Eymi Michelle Franco Matos - Sponsor Now

Eymi Michelle Franco Matos

Place Barahona, Dominican Republic

Age 10

Family Details I live with my parents and my two sisters. My mom doesn't work; she is in college. She is studying education to be a teacher. My dad works construction when he finds work.

Village Rio Chil

Gender Female

2021 Update:

¿Cómo tú ayudas en casa? (How do you help at home?) I do the dishes and sweep and mop the floor.

¿Qué te gusta hacer o jugar? (What do you like to do or play?) I like to jump rope and watch TV.

¿Qué te gusta estudiar en la escuela? (What do you like to study in school?) Grammar and math

¿Qué quieres ser cómo profesional? (What do you want to do as a professional?) I want to be president because I like to work a lot.

¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de su comunidad? (What do you like most about your community?) [no answer]

¿Cuál es su versículo o historia bíblica favorita? (What is your favorite Bible verse or Bible story?) I like the story of Jesus.