Josue Feliz Feliz - Sponsor Now

Josue Feliz Feliz

Place Barahona, Dominican Republic

Age 15

Family Details I live with my parents (Junior Feliz and Ana Maria Feliz Sena), my older brother (Junior Isaac) and my big sister (Isaura). I have two more sisters, but they do not live with us; they moved in with their boyfriends. My mom doesn't work and my dad is a cabinetmaker, but he is not doing that kind of work anymore. Now he does whatever he finds to do for work.

Village Alfa

Gender Male


¿Qué te gusta hacer o jugar? (What do you like to do or play?) I like to clean the house, and I like to play with toys.

¿Qué te gusta estudiar en la escuela? (What do you like to study in school?) I like Natural Science.

¿Cómo tú ayudas en casa? (How do you help at home?) I like to do the laundry and clean.

¿Tienes un versículo favorito de la Biblia o historia de la Biblia? (Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story from the Bible?) I like Adam and Eve's story.

¿Cómo podemos orar por ti? (How can we pray for you?) Pray that God helps us to build a place for the church (where the church could meet together).