Wilber Manuel Montero Padilla - Sponsor Now

Wilber Manuel Montero Padilla

Place Barahona, Dominican Republic

Age 8

Family Details I live with my parents and my little brother. My mom doesn't work; she is always home taking care of us. My father is a mason, but now he is not working as he should because of problems with his heart. We own the house where we live. My mom is a diabetic.

Village Alfa

Gender Male

More About Me:

¿Qué te gusta hacer o jugar? (What do you like to do or play?) I like to play with little cars.

¿Qué te gusta estudiar en la escuela? (What do you like to study in school?) I like going to classes. I'm in second grade.

¿Cómo tú ayudas en casa? (How do you help at home?) I pick up the trash and fold the clothing.

¿Tienes un versículo favorito de la Biblia o historia de la Biblia? (Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story from the Bible?) [no answer]

¿Cómo podemos orar por ti? (How can we pray for you?) From his mom: Pray for our health. It is difficult when you have health issues.